AquaSource Start Easy Programme


AquaSource Organic Algae

AquaSource Organic Algae Food Supplement - 45 Capsules


Three capsules provide:

Naturally providing:

Capsule: Vegetable Cellulose

*% EC NRV: % European Community Nutrient Reference Value.

SUPERIOR quality fresh Organic Klamath Lake Algae dried at low temperature using our proprietary BioActive Dehydration® process.

AquaSource Digestive Enzymes

AquaSource Digestive Enzymes with Organic AquaSource Algae Food Supplement - 60 Capsules


Each capsule provides: In a base of rice flour:

Naturally providing:

Naturally providing:

Capsule: Vegetable Cellulose

*% EC NRV: % European Community Nutrient Reference Value.

AquaSource Bifidus Complex

AquaSource Bifidus Complex with Organic AquaSource Algae Food Supplement - 50 Capsules


Two capsules provide: In a base of rice flour:

Naturally providing:

Naturally providing:

Capsule: Vegetable Cellulose

*% EC NRV: % European Community Nutrient Reference Value.

AquaSource Acidophilus

AquaSource Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1 with Organic AquaSource Algae Food Supplement - 50 Capsules


Two capsules provide: In a base of rice flour:

Naturally providing:

Naturally providing:

Capsule: Vegetable Cellulose

*% EC NRV: % European Community Nutrient Reference Value.

DDS® is a trademark of UAS Laboratories LLC and used under license.